
  1. Respect Others: No harassment, bullying, or discrimination of any kind.

  2. No Griefing: Do not destroy or damage another player's builds or possessions.

  3. Fair Play: No cheating, exploiting bugs, or using unauthorized mods.

  4. Appropriate Content: Keep all conversations and content appropriate for a diverse audience.

  5. No Spamming: Avoid spamming chat, advertisements, or self-promotions.

  6. Respect Privacy: Do not share personal information of yourself or others.

  7. Follow Staff Instructions: Listen and adhere to the directions of server moderators and admins.

  8. No Impersonation: Do not impersonate staff members or other players.

  9. Reporting Issues: Report any rule violations or suspicious behavior to the staff.

  10. Enjoy Yourself: Remember to have fun and help create a positive community!

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